Instructions for Accessing the PAC Website

To help you connect to the CBC Pension Administration Centre (PAC) website, you first need to log in as an PNA member and then click on "Members Only" then select "Resources". You will find the instructions as you scroll down the page.

Member Login

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How to create an account on the CBC Pensioners National Association website

This is a short video to help you create an account on our website.

Create an account on our website

The office of the CBC Pensioners National Association is open for our members

Our office is open on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

Our office is open

Enjoy a multitude of benefits, become a PNA member!

The CBC Pensioners National Association (PNA) offers information, support, activities and social links as well as savings.

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Our history

The Association has been in existence since early 1985. From its inception it has enjoyed a privileged relationship with the CBC.

Our history

Our mission, vision, and values

The CBC Pensioners National Association is the sole voice for all CBC pensioners, an active advocate and defender of pensioners' rights, benefits, and a reliable source of information on matters of interest to its membership.

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Why Join The CBC PNA?

When you become a member of the CBC PNA, you’ll receive invitations to upcoming events where you can connect with other pensioners, save money through our affinity programs, gain access to our helpful pensioner support staff, and have your say in the issues affecting you and other pensioners.


Save with our affinity programs

Be informed on the issues affecting you

Access member support

Connect with other Pensioners

Latest News

Surplus Sharing Details Announced – June 28, 2024

We have been advised that the distribution of the $129 million dollars of pension surplus will be paid to pensioners and employees on July 30th. Pensioners will be able to access their “surplus statement” on July 8th on the Pension Administration Centre (PAC) website.  If you do not yet have an account established details of how […]

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Update on the Pension Plan surplus & PAC Information – June 26, 2024

What comes next In the coming weeks, a personalized surplus package will be posted on the Pension Administration Centre (PAC) website for retirees and survivors eligible for a surplus payment. This package will contain: Individualized information on the amount to be received and how this amount was determined. A Q&A document with more information about […]

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The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) has approved the payout of pension surplus to eligible members. This includes pensioners, surviving spouses, deferred pensioners and employees. Approximately $129 million, representing the surplus payout for 2021 and 2022, will be distributed to approximately 20,000 eligible members. Individual amounts will be based on a percentage […]

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Update on the Pension Surplus – Marco Dubé – May 23, 2024

Here is an updated from Marco Dubé, Chief Transformation Officer & Executive VP, People and Culture on the pension surplus. Further to our last update on this topic, we continue to wait on approval from the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI) for the distribution of the 2021 and 2022 surplus. Last month, we contacted the […]

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Surplus Sharing Update – April 18, 2024

Another surplus While we wait for OSFI, the federal pension plan regulator, to finally approve a payout of nearly $130-million dollars of surplus money to plan contributors we continue to receive positive news on the financial status of our plan. The latest report from the CBC Pension Board of Trustees shows that once again the […]

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Election of national officers: the candidates

As the nomination period of our election process has come to a close, we can confirm the following candidates: The candidates: President: Dan Oldfield Vice-President, anglophone: Gail Carducci Vice-President, francophone: Pierre-Léon Lafrance Treasurer: Réjean Labrie The members of the new Executive Committee will be confirmed at the AGM on May 15, 2024. On behalf of […]

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And so we wait – Surplus Sharing Update – March 19, 2024

At this point, we have yet to hear from the federal pension regulator (OSFI) about the sharing of the pension surplus nor do we know when we will hear. Even when OSFI does give the payout the green light, there is still a further 40-day waiting period. The regulator’s role is fairly straight forward – […]

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