Archives: 2020


Mental Health – Coping with stress

Stress is a fact of daily life and is the result of both the good and bad things that happen. Too much stress can cause serious health concerns, but there are many ways of dealing with stress that can reduce your risk. In this issue of It’s your Health from Health Canada.

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Message from the Employee Asssistance Program (EAP)

Hello, First of all, we hope that this email finds you safe and well. We know that the COVID-19 lockdown is disrupting your lives and wreaking havoc on your daily routine. Some of you may be feeling vulnerable and anxious during this time of uncertainty, while for others, the isolation and loneliness may be taking […]

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The history of CKLW TV in Windsor by Rudy Kryger

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Pension Board of Trustees Communiqué and Message

The CBC Pension Board of Trustees meets quarterly to discuss and make decisions about the pension fund. Following each meeting, the Board publishes a meeting Communiqué, which includes pension plan highlights, a financial overview, investment performance and strategy, and governance matters. The March 2020 Communiqué is now available. COVID-19 Update: A Message to Members While the COVID-19 pandemic […]

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We Are Looking Out for All of Our Members

The PNA adopted a new motto in 2019 “Preserving our Future, Sharing Our Past” and now it is more apt than ever.  We are the CBC Pensioners National Association representing the pension plan members’ collective voice and we do make a difference.  The Covid-19 outbreak has not slowed us down just changed how we operate. […]

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