IMPORTANT INFORMATION – 2023 Pension Plan Surplus Sharing

The ballot is available on the CBC Pension Administration Centre website at, under the My Pension Statement section. It will be the first item at the top of the list. Simply open it, and on the last page, you will find the section that needs to be printed, signed, and then emailed to

Click here to open a short guide to help you access the CBC Pension Administration website.


From: Pension Administration CBC <>
Sent: November 19, 2024 8:42 AM
Subject: IMPORTANT INFORMATION – 2023 Pension Plan Surplus Sharing


Please find attached important information regarding the sharing of surplus assets from the CBC Pension Plan for the year 2023 and what is required from you.

Thank you in advance for reading the attached communication and for your prompt response.

*Important note*
We are currently in the process of mailing the first notice and ballot form to all retirees given that some retirees do not have an email address on file. Due to the current labour conflict at Canada Post, the first notice and ballot form that are being mailed to you will be delayed.

However, the first notice and ballot form are also available on the Pension Administration Centre (PAC) website at under My Pension Statement and the completed ballot can be emailed to if you do not wish to wait to receive your copy in the mail. Please read the attached document for more information and tips on how to access the PAC website.

Rest assured that the deadline for returning the ballot forms will be extended, as necessary, to allow all pensioners sufficient time to submit them electronically or by return post.
