Voting to approve the distribution of about $60 million of our pension surplus is fully underway.

Although online voting began in November, a work stoppage at Canada Post prevented delivery of paper copies of the detailed information and ballot. As of December 23, 2024, ballots have been mailed to more than 12,000 pension plan contributors.

About 4,500 pension plan contributors have already voted online to support the distribution, well short of the minimum 8,200 required for approval.

An earlier December deadline for submission is no longer in effect and no new deadline will be set. If you haven’t submitted your ballot yet, please vote “yes” and mail it as soon as possible. And if you know anyone who has yet to act, give them a nudge.

In order to receive the money that is owing to us, two-thirds of all CBC/Radio-Canada pensioners must vote in support, whether or not they are members of the PNA. Included in the count are deferred pensioners, meaning those who are not yet collecting their pensions.

If you voted online and did not receive confirmation, please vote again by regular mail. Any duplication will be sorted out through the counting process.

About 6,000 CBC/Radio-Canada pensioners and spouses are members of the Pensioners National Association, but more than 4,000 retirees who are not yet members may not be getting timely or complete information. If you know anyone who hasn’t joined us yet, please remind them to vote for the surplus payment, and urge them to join the PNA.