CBC Pensioners Welcome Heritage Minister’s Proposals

The CBC Pensioners National Association (PNA), which represents all CBC pensioners, fully supports the proposal by Heritage Minister
Pascale St-Onge to guarantee a strong independent public broadcaster.  The proposal, which addresses the key issues of funding, mandate and governance, is a plan long overdue and one that if fulfilled would establish the framework to keep CBC/Radio-Canada relevant and vital.

The PNA membership consists of thousand of people who have spent most of their working lives serving the needs of their fellow citizens, telling our stories, being there to celebrate the wins, suffer the losses, and play the important role of connecting our communities.

“Over the past several years CBC/Radio-Canada has become a political football. Its existence should never have been subject to the whims of changing Parliaments.  Long term funding set in legislation and a role and mandate established in law is the best guarantee that CBC/Radio-Canada will serve Canada’s citizens.” says PNA President, Dan Oldfield.  “For too long, political parties have used the power of the national budget to intimidate and undermine our national broadcaster” says Oldfield.

Long term stable funding at levels appropriate to serve its far-reaching mandate is a critical necessity. The removal of advertising on television, along with the dropping of all other fees and subscriptions will serve the public well.

With the overwhelming flood of online, unchecked, false and socially dangerous comment, the role of CBC/Radio-Canada is more important than it has ever been. As a provider of fact-based, professional journalism, a major supporter of Canada’s cultural industry, and a reliable part of communities big and small across the country, the need for CBC/Radio Canada cannot be overstated.

Unfortunately, the St-Onge proposals come very late in the current government’s term of office.  It is our hope that any newly elected Parliament will act quickly to implement these important and necessary changes.

Media Inquiries: Lilia Rassoul
Communications Officer