Liaison Newsletter – 30 years already!

30 years already! The news bulletin Liaison was born 30 years ago. In that very first issue, the then president Marcel Deschamps wrote in March 1989:

“The Association of retired employees of the Montreal production centre is an organization focused on the needs and aspirations of its members… It is in this spirit that Liaison was born, it’s first issue being published today.”

From very modest beginnings, Liaison, like any newborn, developed, gained weight, nurtured its talents and evolved over the years to become a regularly published newsletter aiming to inform retirees and helping them to keep contact with each other. For several years, Liaison has been published five times a year and its current editor, Jean-Paul Rouillard, makes it a point of honour to pursue in this vein. From the beginning, several people have succeeded each other at the helm: Yves Dumoulin, François Péladeau, Jules Laguë, Ronald Parisien, Louise B. Tardif and as of 2006, Jean-Paul Rouillard. On your behalf and mine, allow me to give him a tip of the hat. Those 13 years of continued implication are worthy of our admiration!

Issue after issue, Liaison covers events and matters related to the AQR (Association québécoise des retraités) – which was founded in 2000 – and to the National Association. The editorial staff takes pride in presenting to members information that is useful on all aspects of their life in retirement. With each edition, Liaison tries to talk about our people, be it with an article on a member active in the Association, or on another one’s hobby, or on a book written by a third one. We need more of those stories to talk about you, about us.

Your support is important to enhance Liaison and to better serve you for another 30 years!

On your behalf and mine, I reaffirm my profound appreciation to the collaborators of this wonderful undertaking which is Liaison.

Jean-Claude Labrecque