Category: National


My Covid-19 Fitness Tour

I have been a year-round recreational tennis player for roughly a quarter-century, playing two or three times a week – indoors in winter, outdoors in summer. So, when COVID-19 forced the courts to close it left a gaping hole in my life. I was sad but understood the necessity in order to curb the spread […]

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New normal is now “near” normal

The easing of restrictions actually allowed my wife and I to go on something called a vacation. That’s right, we literally got in our car and racked up thousands of kilometers on a trip to British Columbia which had previously banned the horrible hordes of easterners from Wild Rose Country. We visited the family at […]

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Living with Covid-19, the virus with collateral damage

Some of us have lived through and survived world wars, cold wars, market crashes, tornadoes, hurricanes, Spanish and Asian flus, plane crashes and marital crashes and have come through the other side more or less intact. Now, a virus that came from nowhere has overnight changed the physical and mental landscape of our world. We […]

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CBC is opening up its Archives

Looking for a bit of nostalgia. CBC is opening up its Archives and publishing a newsletter every 2 weeks with pieces on past shows. The website: To subscribe to the newsletter:   Check it out!    

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A TV Report (in French) on spouses deprived of a survivor pension

The CBC/Radio-Canada French TV program, La Facture, covering consumer issues, has produced a report on the case of spouses who are not eligible for a survivor pension due to federal legislation on pension benefits. Two criteria are used to exclude those spouses : 1- The marriage or common-law union began when the pensioner was over […]

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