Category: National


3 ways retirees can earn extra income

Retirement can be a great season of life, filled with travel and time spent with loved ones. But funding new adventures on top of everyday living can get expensive, so many retirees seek out low-commitment ways to make money. Here are some inspiring ideas for retirees looking to earn extra cash: Join the sharing economy. The […]

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CBC Pension Plan – Annual Report and Highlights 2019

Annual Report 2019 Highlights 2019

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UPDATED – CBC PNA Members – Coping during the pandemic

Here is the document with the responses from members on how they are coping during the pandemic. Enjoy! Members coping with pandemic – updated June 2020

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Stress and Mindful Wellness Courses

The College of the North Atlantic (CNA) is offering a series of four “Stress and Mindful Wellness” community education courses, which are available to the public. These courses will help you develop skills to focus on self-care during this unprecedented time. These free-of-charge courses will be offered through CNA’s online Distributed Learning (DL) platform. Each […]

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BORED! Here are a few things to keep you busy

Exercises – take a walk, do yoga, dance. Dancing, even by yourself is great for the body and the mind.  So, put on your favorite music and dance. Make art –  it can be painting, drawing, photography etc. Cook – it is the best time make something that you have always wanted to try, or […]

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