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Pension Income Splitting

We have received a number of inquiries concerning a letter sent to all CBC pensioners concerning income splitting.  The letters sent to all retirees advised that the amount received in your pension surplus payment is not eligible for income splitting. The Pensioners National Association has been seeking clarification.  And this is what we have learned. […]

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CBC Pension Plan members have begun receiving a notice, either by email or regular mail, advising them they have 30 days from receipt to provide any comments on the surplus distribution to the regulator, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI). No action is required on your part. This “second notice” advises Plan members […]

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Share Your Surplus Story – We Want to Hear from You!

With another pension surplus share on the way, we would love to hear how this extra financial support has impacted you. Did it help you finally take that bucket-list trip? Were you able to renovate a room in your home or make an important repair? Perhaps you used it to treat yourself to a special […]

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We Did It – Again

The vote to approve the distribution of the pension surplus has successfully reached the required two-thirds support. It was a challenge, but we prevailed, and the process is now set to move to the next required steps. So, what happens now?  This week, the CBC will notify the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions […]

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CBC Pensioners Welcome Heritage Minister’s Proposals

The CBC Pensioners National Association (PNA), which represents all CBC pensioners, fully supports the proposal by Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to guarantee a strong independent public broadcaster.  The proposal, which addresses the key issues of funding, mandate and governance, is a plan long overdue and one that if fulfilled would establish the framework to keep […]

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