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The situation regarding the Pension Plan Surplus
What’s new? The CBC Pensioners National Association (PNA) and its union partners have asked an arbitrator to take steps to protect our share of the current pension plan surplus. We have asked the arbitrator Dennis O’Connor to instruct the CBC to set aside an amount of money equal to pensioners’ and employees’ pension surplus entitlement. […]
Notwithstanding a very positive valuation that shows a pension plan surplus of more than $700 million, CBC officials have advised the Pensioners National Association (PNA) and the unions that as Sponsor of the plan, the Corporation refuses to distribute any portion of the surplus to employees and pensioners. The CBC also confirmed that it will […]
read moreAppointments to the Communications Advisory Board
The CBC Pensioners National Association (PNA) is happy to announce the creation of a Communications Advisory Board (CAB) and the appointment by the PNA Board of its first six volunteer members. Along with the hiring of a part time Communications Coordinator, the creation of the CAB was recommended to the PNA Board of Directors by […]
read moreAppointment of Catherine Schellenberg
The CBC Pensioners National Association (PNA) is happy to announce the hiring of Catherine Schellenberg as part-time Communications Coordinator. Her contract, initially for a six-month period, follows a recommendation of the Committee on communications for the creation of such a position in order to streamline the PNA’s communications. The recommendation of the Committee, made at […]
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