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Tribute to Margaret Lyons – Video

With grateful appreciation to Ron Devion for sharing the link to the video of the January 28th tribute to former CBC Radio Vice-President Margaret Lyons who passed away in 2019.

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Winter wellness: Tips for a happy and healthy season

Winter is a tough time of year for many of us. Long, dark nights and cold weather can bring anybody down. And with the ongoing stress of living through a pandemic, this winter is feeling even tougher than usual for many. Here are a few tips to help keep you healthy and happy this season: […]

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The story of the Special Assistance Fund

The creation of the Special Assistance Fund (SAF) is an interesting story. Its benefits come from a pool of money that has paid out millions in benefits for CBC retirees and employees for nearly 20 years. The creation of the SAF is a story that demonstrates the power of co-operation between groups of employees and […]

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The Pandemic and Me….

The consequences and the impact of Covid-19 on the physical and mental health of our members, the most vulnerable age group, are far from being over. At the present time, it is estimated that the pandemic could be around for quite some time. A friend recently explained to me how difficult it was for him […]

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Three surprising things you should know about dementia

(NC) While many of us may know a friend or family member with dementia, there are many aspects of this condition that are often easily misunderstood. To better understand dementia, here are three important things to know: 1. It’s not an inevitable part of aging Some might mistakenly believe dementia is an inevitable part of […]

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