About this Region
The Manitoba Region of the CBC Pensioners National Association represents over 200 members who reside in Winnipeg or elsewhere in Manitoba, but the majority of the members reside in Winnipeg.
Ever since the National Association was formed, the Executive plans two buffet luncheons each year, with one held in May and the other in October.
These luncheons are always scheduled for the Wednesday, following the National Board meetings, in order to provide all retirees attending with the latest news and information discussed at the National Board Meetings. Invitations are either emailed or mailed to all members by no later than May 1st or October 1st, so that members have plenty of time to advise us that they will attend.
Over the past 20 years, the Manitoba region has been pleased to see one of the best turnouts for these luncheons, with well over 100 attendees, compared to other regions across the country.
Please feel free to contact any of our local executive at any time, if you have any questions or concerns.
Board of Directors

Frank Machovec

Doug Marks

Denis Collette

Yvonne Roy

Ernie Nairn

Joe Dudych

Suzanne Kennelly